Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Spindelegger und Fekter mit Hillary Clinton gegen Osterreich und Arizona ?

Spindelegger With Hillary Clinton 

California Woman files Genocide Complaint At UN because government Destroys White Christians

“In the face of Hillary Clinton’s filing a UN Complaint seeking the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights to rule that AZ’s new immigration law violates
“human rights”, I have filed a complaint (registered mail 9/3/10) with that
same High Commissioner charging the US Federal Government with GENOCIDE of
European-American Christians.  I ask you to publicize this in any ways that
you can.  It truly is a powerful response that can be used to bring Clinton,
Obama et al. into at least an interesting dilemma.

The act of GENOCIDE trumps all international and human rights laws (and US
Public Law and the US Constitution (see attached filing), and if the UN
Commissioner Pillay dares to rule favorably on Hillary’s complaint, she must
*MUST* rule that the intentional destruction of Euro-American Christians
preempts and nullifies Clinton’s lesser complaint, and all efforts that
coddle Third World immigration, legal and illegal.  Such a UN ruling also
would stop all challenges to AZ law, and force the Feds to immediately halt
all efforts to maintain open borders, and begin legal reparations to restore
the majority Euro-Am Christian population.  If UN Commissioner Pillay
upholds Clinton’s complaint, but refuses to act on this GENOCIDE complaint,
she is ruling that human rights and international laws, including the 1948
UN Convention on Genocide are no longer binding on the U.S. government or
that European-American Christians, alone, are not protected by those laws.
That said, I ask all of you to publicize this complaint, and ask others to
use it to file their own complaints.  I believe that actions of Clinton, AG
Holder’s DOJ, Congress, the Supreme Court and the entire Obama
Administration — having taken steps to subvert our Constitution and laws,
both of which in fact SUPPORT the UN Convention on Genocide — must be met
with a superseding complaint in the UN.

A California woman has filed a formal complaint with the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights charging the US federal government with
genocide of European-American Christians through its immigration policies.
Terry Graham sent the eight-page complaint to UN High Commissioner
Navanethem Pillay on Sept. 3, after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s
filed a report with Pillay’s office claiming that the federal government’s
legal challenge to Arizona’s new immigration law will protect “human

In July, the US Dept. of Justice filed a lawsuit in federal district court
seeking to nullify and prevent enforcement of Arizona’s immigration law,
asserting the federal government alone has authority over immigration.
Earlier, President Obama attacked Arizona’s law, saying it was “unfair” and
potentially violated the civil rights of Hispanic citizens.

“The US Constitution, and US federal and international laws against genocide
preempt and nullify all laws, policies and procedures – including those
advanced illegally last month by the Executive, Legislative and Judicial
branches of our federal government that result in the destruction of
European-Americans,” says Graham.

Graham’s complaint cites the UN Genocide Convention of 1948, international
and human rights laws, US Public Law 95-435 and the US Constitution, Article
I, Section 8, which gives the US Congress the power to “define and punish…
offences against the Law of Nations.”

The UN Genocide Convention defines genocide” as “deliberately inflicting
upon [a group] conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical
destruction in whole or in part.” Article II further defines genocide as
“causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group” and
“imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group”, which can
include job losses and taxation policies that cause stress and lower
birthrates.  Under the Convention, which Congress adopted under US Public
Law 95-435, “group” is defined by nation, race, ethnicity, or religion.
Graham noted that in 1960, Euro-American Christians comprised 89% percent of
the nation’s population, but now are minorities in many parts of the United
States solely due to federal actions that promote massive Third world

In 1998, Hillary Clinton’s husband, Pres. Bill Clinton, publicly
acknowledged that the destruction of White Christian Americans was
intentional when he said, “In a little more than 50 years, there will be no
majority race in the United States.”

In her complaint, Graham asks the UN Human Rights Commissioner to promptly
investigate her charges and “make an immediate, formal request of the US
federal government to place a judicial stay on all US laws, policies,
procedures, lawsuits and legal actions that advance this genocide.”  She is
also seeking reparations as defined by the UN Genocide Convention that “must
wipe out all the consequences of the illegal act and to re-establish the
situation which would, in all probability, have existed if that act had not
been committed.”

Graham is urging others to file their own complaints with the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights via mail or email as soon as possible.  She
also asks that lawsuits be filed charging the US federal government with
genocide of European-American Christians in US and courts in nations who are
signatories to the UN Convention on Genocide.

“If the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights refuses or fails to
investigate and rule on my complaint that the U.S. federal government’s
laws, policies, procedures and other actions are an act of genocide against
U.S. European-American Christians, we must conclude that ”human rights and
international law are no longer binding on the U.S. government or that
European-American Christians, alone, are not protected by those laws, Graham


Was kann Spindelegger nach USA 2010 Wahl sagen  ? Hillary wird kein Arbeit haben. LOL


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