Friday, November 5, 2010

Spindelegger Tries to Escape Reality in Canada

Idiot Spindelegger Shakes hands with a White Canadian immigrant as example of success to start 3rd world immigration into Austria

After the war, the French separatist issue once again came to the fore, with a number of compromises being put forward: all of which, essentially, entailed the province of Quebec staying in the union but acquiring special status. By 1970, the main Quebec separatist party, the Party Quebecois (PQ), had won nearly a quarter of the votes in its' home province.
Above: A pro Quebec separatist vote bus during the 1969 election in that province. Despite gaining much popular support, the Quebec separatists never quite achieved a majority support base in Canada. The influx of non-Whites into Quebec in the last  part of the 20th Century will have now made a Quebec separatist victory even more unlikely, as the non-Whites perceive the Quebec separatists to be racially based. This in turn has led to the non-Whites voting overwhelmingly against the Quebec separatists in the 1995 referendum on the issue.
In 1976, the PQ was elected as the provincial government of Quebec and after introducing some pro-French language measures, called a referendum on whether to proceed with further separatist actions. The vote was 60 percent against and the PQ was forced to place its separatist agenda on the back burner.
In 1995, the PQ managed to hold a second referendum on the separatist issue: this time it was defeated by less than one percent of the vote (no votes : 50.4 percent; yes votes : 49.6 percent) indicating that ethnic divisions within Canada between White French and White English speakers were far from over.
The French Canadian separatists were accused of racism when one of their leaders made public note that the non-White minorities in Quebec were, virtually to the last voter, opposed to French Canadian separatism.
Black Immigration
The first Blacks to enter Canada did so as slaves: the importation of Black slaves into French Canada from the West Indies was authorized by the French government in 1689. Slavery was abolished about one hundred years later, with Nova Scotia being the first colony to abolish the practice in 1787, followed by Ontario six years later.
When British troops burned Washington, the U.S. capital, in the War of 1812 (1812-1815), they brought back to Halifax many slaves who had sought refuge with them. Escape to Canada meant freedom, and thus it was a major destination of the so-called Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes by which U.S. abolitionists spirited slaves out of the American South.
Despite the apparent freedom offered to Blacks in British Canada, Nova Scotia and Ontario had legally-, racially-segregated public-schools until the 1960s. In that decade, Canada opened immigration to new areas, and significant numbers of Blacks (mainly from the Caribbean) and Asians started entering the country.
In 1971 the government started funding non-White ethnic organizations, festivals and second language instruction in schools within Canada itself.
The rise in Black immigration during the last twenty years of the 20th century from the Caribbean and Africa was not accompanied by any great rise in social status: Blacks remain the poorest and worst educated Canadians, being far outstripped by the much more recent Asian immigrants on all fields. 

Roots of conflict date to French and Indian war 
Amerind Territorial claims
Amerind territorial claims also resurfaced in the 1960's, spurred on by the climate created by the broader civil rights movements. In the 1960s, the city of Ottawa introduced a policy to end the special rights and status of Amerinds - but this policy was never implemented, being sabotaged by a Supreme Court decision following a case brought by an Amerind tribe, the Nisga'a of British Columbia.
This court decision held that Amerind rights to the land had been in place at the time of colonization, but the court was divided on whether those rights had been ended by White settlement.
Several treaties were subsequently concluded with Amerind tribes: in terms of one in 1984, the Inuit of the Mackenzie Delta, settled their title to 242,000 square kilometers; and another in 1992, settled the right of the Inuit of the eastern Arctic to 350,000 square kilometers of land and 36,000 square kilometers of subsurface mineral rights.
Further negotiations have sought separate agreements for virtually all the other major Amerind tribes, all of which confirmed their rights to large areas of land. However, not all disputes have been settled peacefully: in more than one case armed standoffs have ensued, with one of the most famous being the Mohawk blockade of Oka in Quebec in 1990. 
I don't know what he is preaching now, but priminister Harper (atleast in 1988) would not get along with Spindelegger.

Racial Consequences of the Settlement of Canada
The racial clashes which accompanied the settlement of Canada were not nearly as marked as those which accompanied the birth of the United States of America. This was because the numbers of Whites settling the area increased at a slower pace than in America, and the change in the demographic makeup was not as quick as it was to the south.
From this a valuable lesson can be learned: the history of Canada proves that armed conflict and violent dispossession is not always needed to engender the change in a territory's demographic makeup: it is possible also to achieve the same end by means of relatively peaceful immigration.
The last quarter of the 20th century has seen Canada become the focus for a large wave of Third World immigration: the extent and consequences of this are discussed in the last two chapters of this book.

More facts about Canada for nut case Spindelegger:

~ like 80 Austrias can fit into canada so there is room for the different groups to live separate from eachother and they generally do.

~More Canadians are against mass immigration of third nations that for at present according to polls. And the majority of White Canadians are against it. I just had a long conversation with my canadian friend about this recently.

~The Asian immigrants tend to congregate in cities

~Majority of ethnic French Quebecois want independence.

~multi kult was enshrined into canadian constitution partially to appease Quebec

~the canadian government used tricks and distortions to start mass immigration just like the 1965 immigration act supporters and  you yourself now

Why do you push relentlessy for mass immigration despite the evidence against it ?

How will Austria be an immigration nation when you have a right wing party like the FPO already ready to legislate against them and resist you ? And people who will never accept them ? And the most recent Vienna election results ?

Why do you ignore the evidence against you and your devious plans ?

Mass Immigration Opposed in Canada:

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