1. LIE: Maria Fekter Claims that only highly skilled people such as engineers will be allowed in under the policy.
TRUTH: The definition of "skilled" is so low, that even table waiters are allowed in under the policy.
2. LIE: Maria Fekter Claims that the Birth Rate in Austria is decreasng.
TRUTH: Recent reports indicate that the Austrian Birth Rate actually increased.
3. LIE: Maria Fekter Claims only 100,000 immigrants will be allowed in under the policy.
TRUTH: The immigrants will be alowed to bring their families which would mean that with every 1 immigrant could come hundreds of additional family members which would drive the number of immigrants up to millions. Furthermore, illegal immigration and asylum seekers would also continue to come.
4. LIE: Maria Fekter Claims that the immigrants are necessary to support the social system.
TRUTH: The immigrants would recieve benefits upon arrival and statisitcs show that immigrants usually burden the social system.
5. LIE: Maria Fekter Says the immigrants will not take Austrian Jobs,
TRUTH: Austria already has high unemployment and the immigrant's family members also want jobs.
6.LIE: Maria Fekter Says immigrants will speak German before coming to Austria.
TRUTH: In reality the immigrants will only have to know afew basic phrases of German before entry. The "German Requirement" is only a charade to sell the immigration idea and is as little as an immigration remembering afew words of German.
7. LIE: Maria Fekter claims immigration causes no problems in countries like USA.
TRUTH: Immigration is a controversial issue in the USA and the West. Currently the US elections are focused on immigration.
8. LIE: Maria Fekter claims that immigration will only be good.
TRUTH: THE OVP and SPO has refused to study immigration before this massive decison. Why would people so certain refuse studies ? And if Immigration was so wonderful, why has Maria Fekter suddenly attemted to hide behind slogans such as "integration", "German before immigration" etc... Why this deception ?
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