Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Largest Republican Victory in History: Marxists Driven Out of Washington !

Election 2010—A Grinding Trench Warfare Advance For Immigration Patriots

[Peter Brimelow] @ 3:00 am
Election 2010 turns out to be a grinding trench warfare advance for the cause of patriotic immigration reform, but it was an absolute triumph for Roy Beck at NumbersUSA who has been talking ebulliently for nearly ten hours straight on his organization’s webcast as I write. (Who needs the networks?) Roy argues in detail that the balance of power in both the House and the Senate has shifted significantly in the direction of patriotic immigration reform and it’s well worth looking at his pie charts.
Among key immigration patriots, there are losers (Tancredo, alas; Angle) and winners (Barletta, Brewer, Deal). We know from experience that nothing short of victory will get the political Establishment’s attention—but it’s important to note that we also know even victory (Proposition 187, Proposition 200) would simply be flushed straight down the memory hole.
It’s a new Congress. And new immigration patriot leaders will emerge. The long war goes on

Amongst the other good news and highlights of the mid term race in my opinion:

~ Arizona bans"Affirmative Action" and quotas with Proposition 107

~ White Nationalist Jim Russell gets  40% or almost 55,000 votes (this guy is farther right than Strache supposedly) and the FPO only gets afew hundred thousand votes in Austria LOL (Jim actually knew Jared Taylor rumor has it)

~Rick Scott wins Florida Governorship and wants to bring tough "Arizona Style" laws to Florida as well as almost 25 new anti-immigration governors in states Throughout the country. 

~ Right-winger Michele Bachmann (ALIPAC endorsed)  who called for McCarthy like investigations of other politicians for communist ties wins comfortably and her state MN flips from Dem to GOP for the most part.Which is good because illegal immigration is making the predominantly Northern European descended people of MN a minority.

~Son of Cuban Exile GOP  candidate warns of the danger from marxism in victory speech.

~ Rand Paul, Son of non interventionist foreign policy advocate and lightning rod Ron Paul wins comfortably in Kentucky.(he opposed Iraq war and made controversial statements about forced racial integration of the 1960's)

~many candidates with strong NUMBERSUSA and ALIPAC ratings were elected

There are many more important victories to discuss but this may suffice for now.

Inspiration Speech from Lou Barletta: "You have put your children and grandchildren First".. "Thank you all"

And here is an election analysis of some key races from a more demographic perspective and bad or mixed news:

California: GOP meg Whitman loses to old man Jerry Brown despite spending 150 million or so dollars and pandering spanish TV ads. The reason for this may be the fact that Latinos and 3rd country immigrants (mexicans) generally are highly dependent on social services and have their own unique interests which differ from the general majority amongst other things. In an ironic and symbolic twist of fate as Austria is about to go under with immigration, an Austrian descended person may be the last GOP governor of a now minority majority state which was once the Reagan Dream in better times but is now the quintessence of the negative impact of changing demographics caused by mass immigration from 3rd countries.

Nevada: Sharon angle loses to Harry Reid by a small margin. Angle carried all of Nevada except the two big liberal cities of Reno and Las Vegas. She was projected to win in all of the polls. Contrary to popular belief the ads she made did not decrease her support but increased it as her poll numbers increased after the controversial ads. I suspect voter fraud and may she yet run again.

Harry Reid and Fraud:
Colorado: Anti-immigration enthusiast and Tea Party favorite Tom Tancredo comes on strong and would have carried the day if it was not for Dan Maes refusing to drop out. Dan Maes divided the GOP and may have even dragged down the entire party by refusing to withdraw from the race. Once again all of Colorado except soon to be minority majority Denver supported Tancredo and Buck en masse.I am also quite certain of leftist voter fraud.Recounts are underway all over the state.

Palin Endorses Tancredo
There are similar trends in comparison to these two states across the nation.A a general rule the GOP also did better in the House elections than the senate, because the house districts are rural and local elections where most Whites live. In contrast the senate is state wide and includes big cities which are very leftists and predominantly minority.Obama alienated Whites with mass immigration support, and affirmative action and drove them away to the GOP. In contrast the Dems have almost 91% of Blacks and 70% of Mexicans backing them. The election results are obviously good for right-wingers, but at the same time they reveal a stratified society and torn country in the shadow of what was once a greater nation before massive third world immigration. It is certainly possible atleast for some states that Whites have become dispossessed in their own nation.

Furthermore, although the races in usa are generally divided along political lines in the usa, the GOP is not a WN movement and there are some minority Republicans just like there are zealous Marxist White democrats. And racism  does not divide the races politically, but competing innate community interests do. But in this case the objectives are important.

Here is a good article from RealClearPolitics which confirms my previous statements and observations by Paul Kuhn (Cohen ?)

Exit Polls: Unprecedented White Flight from Democrats

By David Paul Kuhn
Democrats performed worse with whites on Tuesday than in any other congressional election since the Second World War.

Democratic problems with whites stretch back nearly a half-century. Political white flight changed course with the implosion of George W. Bush's presidency, the Republican Party and the economy in September 2008.

It's now as if the chasm between whites and Democrats never narrowed. Democrats' bad old days are back.

Republicans won whites in Tuesday's national House vote by a 22-percentage point margin (60 to 38 percent) according to exit polls. In 2006, Republicans won whites by a mere 4 points. Whites shifted at three-fold the rate of Hispanics between the two midterms, while the black vote remained steady. Democrats faired even worse than in 1994, when Republicans won whites by 16 points (58 to 42 percent) and with them, a landslide.
Lyndon Johnson's domestic programs lost the majority by 1966, because he lost whites. Obama has done the same in much the same way. Only about a third of white men and white women approved of Obama's signature domestic legislation, healthcare, at the time of its passage. Whites similarly opposed the stimulus. It's no accident that over the summer of 2009, when healthcare dominated the debate, Obama first lost the majority of whites and independents.

In other words we never had a real choice with the 1965 non western immigration act and most people were and are against it, along with "great society" and the entire LBJ legacy. But at the same time Fekter pushes the "Rot weiss rot card" as if it were something to emulate and the elections today generally affirm my previous observations and statements.

Why has the OVP-SPO been strangely silent about what happened today ? Will they continue to push immigration, globalism and anti-family based on failed dreams and ideas ? Or will reality hit them on the Head ? This election seems to be a rejection of mass immigration, Hillary Clinton, cultural marxism and Obama etc..

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