Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Tale of Two Blondes: Dumb Blonde Maria Fekter and Smart Blonde Jan Brewer LOL

Jan Brewer The smart Blonde lady

She wants to preserve her culture and people
This Blonde puts her people and state first.

This Blonde has a crisis of too many anchor babies.

This Blonde will protect her borders, nation, people and culture.

This blonde lady will take on the federal government and UN
                          This blonde has started a movement of progress to reject the failed poicies of old.

                              This blonde is desparate to keep out the people Fekter wants to bring in

                                  This blonde is good hearted, honest and passes popular laws

Maria Fekter the "dumb Blonde" Lady

This Blonde puts her people and state last

she wants to destroy her culture and people
This Blonde has a crisis of not enough Austrian babies

This blonde will never protect her borders people and culture

This blonde lady caters to the UN

This lady wishes to continue the failed policies of the past and bring them to Austria

This lady is desperate to bring in the people Jan Brewer wants to keep out.

This blonde uses lies and deception to get her way to pass unpopular laws
I know we have made some mistakes in the past, but this time we cannot be blamed. America chooses blonde number 1# Jan Brewer. STOP IMMIGRATION !!!


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