Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Allied Leaders Were AGAINST MASS IMMIGRATION ! And What is A "NAZI" ?

We often hear the term "NAZI" being used to describe and discredit anyone and everything that is against mass immigration or patriotic. The Left and fake conservatives see World War Two as not a average practical war of bad times, but a political struggle to bring about marxism, mass immigration and cultural immorality and nothing more. This flies in the face of reality when it is examined closely and history is looked at more in depth we see that World war two to most people, was not the pure multi-culturalist and marxist struggle the left and fake conservatives see., but rather that the contemporary concept of "Nazi" and WW2 has become more abstract and politically motivated as most sides of the war were against mass immigration and had values and ideals which are considered "nazi" by the loose standards of today. .

The label seems to transcend cultural and national boundaries. In the united states Mexicans call Sherriff Joe Arapaio a "NAZI" because he enforces the immigration laws and governor Jan Brewer is called a "NAZI" too because she is against mass immigration, even though her father died in WW2. Hey, I am even 100% sure some immigration enthusiast Austrian politicans right now are writing me off as a "Nazi" and won't listen to my arguments. And in Europe Fake conservative parties like the OVP and the usual left also enjoy using the term to demonize the opposition no matter what. They are even using the term right now to actually destroy the indigenous Austrian population by guilt tripping them into being replaced by immigrants.

I know alot of American World War two veterans. My great uncle died at Normandy in 1944 fighting for the Americans. I also had the opportunity to meet many and I can tell you that they are certainly not supporters of mass immigration in any way. Infact, if you told most of these guys that they fought for mass immigration from the third world, the depopulation of Europe and destruction of traditional values and European culture, they would be outraged and insulted. The diverse but generally conservative political opinions of many WW2 veterans is well documented.

When we examine much of the war time ideas and propaganda of the time used to motivate Americans to kill "Nazis" in battle we see almost nothing that says "you are fighting to help Jews", or "you are fighting for the depopulation of Europe, multiculturalism, affirmative action, mass immigration etc.." I wonder how many Americans of the conservative 1940's would actually want to fight if it was suggested that the results of their actions would be that. Infact I was watching an old propaganda reel made for American troops and it says the "Nazis" are actually the ones trying to destroy European culture. In general it seems the attitude an idea of the average allied soldier at the time was that he was being patriotic and winning the war would bring peace and things back to normal. I highly doubt that their vison was the marxist fantasy many say. I am sure the conservative cultural values of many Americans in the 1940's are considered "Nazi" today.

We should also examine the opinions of Allied leaders and their views on mass immigration. Eisenhower commander of American Allied Forces, General Patton, Sir Winston Churchill Churchill the wartime leader of Britain, and Charles Degaulle the leader of the Free French Forces. All of these men resisted the spread of communism in their own nations, bitterly opposed mass immigration and for the most part, the immigration laws were not changed in their country until AFTER they died or retired.

Eisenhower With Fascist Dictator Franco

As President Dwight Eisenhower conducted the largest mass deportation of Mexican immigrants in American History in operation WETBACK. Eisenhower made no attempt to change the immigration laws of the united states and did not actively pursue desegregation of the South and disagreed with the Earl Warren court, but merely complied with court order and was heavily criticized by civil rights advocates. Therefore, I highly doubt Eisenhower was motivated to fight and lead the allied forces in World war two by ideas of marxism or multi-culturalism.

Winston Churchill tried in vain to manoeuvre the Cabinet into restricting West Indian immigration. “Keep England White” was a good slogan, he told the Cabinet in January 1955. Churchill was the original British immigration restrictionist. He also laid the anti-mass immigration foundations of the British Torie party, a legacy which continued with Enoch Powell, Lady Thatcher, the present David Cameron and other great British conservatives.

The Cultural and Social Leader of the South against racial integration was Senator Strom Thurmond. He lead the campaign against racial integration and diversity and even ran for president on an anti-racial diversity platform carrying 4 states. He was a decorated WW2 Hero. He received 18 decorations, medals and awards, including the Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Cluster, Bronze Star with Valor device, Purple Heart, World War II Victory Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Belgium's Order of the Crown and France's Croix de Guerre. During 1954–55 he was president of the Reserve Officers Association. He later retired from the U.S. Army Reserves with the rank of Major General.

At the start of the war, Prime Minister John Curtin (ALP) reinforced the message of the White Australia Policy by saying: "This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to establish in the South Seas an outpost of the British race."
However, by the end of World War II, Australia's vulnerability during the war in the Pacific and small population led to policies summarised by the slogan, "Populate or Perish", an ethnocentric slogan that meant "Fill with whites, lest we be filled with yellows".[13] During the war, many non-white refugees, including Malays, Indonesians, and Filipinos, had settled in Australia, but Immigration Minister Arthur Calwell controversially sought to have them all deported.

  Ian Smith President of White Rhodesia was a British World War Two Fighter Ace and shot down scores of German planes in the battle of Britain. He kept White Rule in Rhodesia and fought communism in Africa for as long as possible.

1946 government Survey showed 86% of US soldiers were anti-semitic.

As we can clearly see, many Allied leaders were against mass immigration and would be on the side of politicians against immigration if they were alive today and against mass immigration and destruction of indigenous Austrian people. It is also clear that the Austrian left and fake conservatives OVP should no longer use the NAZIs as some sort of justification for mass immigration and not helping the indigenous Austrian polulation.

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